How To Dispose Of Antifreeze Safely?

Change your antifreeze is a key element in your vehicle’s cold weather preparation. Antifreeze is a liquid that stops the engine from being superheated during the summer and seizing during winter. It is also known as a coolant and a radiator fluid. Coolant can become excessively acidic over time, causing damage to motors and overheating.

Antifreeze can leak, decrease levels and require upgrades in older autos. New cars utilize a longer-durable cooling agent, but it is a very toxic substance and can cause serious environmental damages if not done properly. Learn how to dispose of antifreeze properly in this article.

Why Does Antifreeze Need To Be Disposed Of?

A mixture of half-and-a-half of glycol and water is typically a coolant or anti-freeze. The glycol is the anti-freeze part of the combination, ensuring that the fluid will not become ice in severe wintertime. Glycol is a bad thing for surrounding and can impact in the following manner-

1. It Can Pollute Drinking Water

Anti-frost Environmental Impacts: Anti-freeze may damage groundwater, surface water, and drinking water, and is detrimental to marine or aquatic lives if dumped, spilled, or leaked. Anti-freeze can be contaminated with plumbing or fuel when an engine is being used to manage it as a dangerous waste.

Two forms of antifreeze are available. A Greenish-yellow, scentless, sweet-tasting substance, antifreeze with ethylene glycol, poses a major human health concern and if ingested animals. For requirements: a less toxic and marketable anti-freeze using propylene glycol is indicated as non-toxic for Waste Anti-freeze may be dangerous or unsafe.

2. It Can Kill Animals

Antifreeze is extremely poisonous and typically lethal in a few days, causing renal failure. Very little antifreeze can be fatal. If a cat passes across a frozen puddle and leaves his paws, he can take enough anti-freeze for death. A medium-sized dog may kill about five teaspoons. Ethylene glycol is one of the major components of most antifreeze.

The effects on the neurological systems and kidneys of ethylene glycol are very harmful. So kindly follow how to dispose of antifreeze instructions carefully.

3. Antifreeze Can Damage Paint Surfaces

Glycol’s going to harm your paint over time. If you pull it off so quickly that’s a tiny chance of damage the paint, I guess coolant is like bird excrement, eggs, etc. If you allow it to sit for a long time and worse in the sun, it will harm the paint. Fluids on vehicles will dissolve on the surface of a car and degrade the paint. These fluids include coolant will eat paint.

How To Dispose Of Antifreeze Properly?

Ethylene glycol, which also functions as a lubricant and anti-corrosive agent, is a hazardous chemical, which cannot be poured down, drained, drained, or tossed into the trash. It is usually the major constituent of the anticorrosive product. Self-safe measures should be applied to the handling of hazardous waste including marks of ‘non-toxic’ or ‘less-toxic.’

1. Drain The Old Coolant In A Container

When your radiator is drained and antifreeze replaced, always utilize safety equipment like goggles, masks, and gloves. Parking on a level area to remove old antifreeze, allowing the motor to fully cool. Turn the battery off before you drain the radiator, ensuring that there is no electrical damage.

Put the drain pan beneath the drain valve, and then open the pin valve. Drain the liquid frost fully into the bowl before pressing the valve again. Transfer the old stuff to a plastic jar that is sealable.

2. Clean Any Spills Behind Immediately

Even the technician with the most attention is occasionally shocked. As anti-freeze is a hazardous substance, all spilled fluid must be absorbed promptly. To get as much mess as possible, wear sand, baking soda, or trash. Then cover the whole area with a layer of towels of paper and leave for one to two hours.

To gather all spilled anti-freeze, use more paper towels and place them in a plastic scrubbing sac. You can put this bag in your typical outside trash, as long as it is not open to kids or animals.

3. Take The Old Antifreeze To Hazardous Waste Recycling Facility

This is the major step on the whole how to dispose of antifreeze process. The Waste Management Department of your state website lists directives and centers for antifreeze recycling or disposal. Locate convenient recycling or disposal place to ask how antifreeze should be contained and documented.

If the antifreeze is oil or gas-treated, it is deemed to be polluted and cannot be recycled. Search for dangerous chemicals on the website in this scenario.

4. Transport Antifreeze Only In Sealed Bottles

Old anti-freeze transportation in plastic, sealed containers. Make sure the containers are secured on the rear seat or trunk floor with a cable to hold containers where necessary. Label each container with the date that your antifreeze has been modified as well as your antifreeze brand/chemical composition (if known).

Propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, or methanol are the major ingredients of anti-freezing. They all have somewhat varying levels of toxicity.

When You Should Change Your Antifreeze?

While the frequency of coolant change depends on the model, age, and mileage of the automobile, ideally it should be changed every 30 000 kilometers. Environmental regulators desire to see cars with longer intervals, in order to reduce the waste. The refrigerant can become acidic over time and lose its anti-rust characteristics causing corrosion.

In addition to the heating system, the heaters can be harmed by corrosion on the radiator, water pump, thermostat, radiator cap, hoses, and any other part of the cooling system. This can lead to an overheating of the car engine.

How Much It Cost To Dispose Of Old Coolant?

The cost of coolant or antifreeze disposal is very cheap. It should not cost you more than 2 or 3$. There might be extra surcharges. The cost change is also not that much. According to very highly rated mechanics, coolant flush costs generally run between US $100 and 150.


You should definitely know how to dispose of antifreeze safely if you care about the environment. Any antifreeze based on ethylene or propylene glycol recovers the contamination of heavy metals in use, so please be careful while disposing of the old stuff and follow instructions carefully. If you still have any doubts, then comment down below.

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