Fix ASC System Service Required [Full Guide]

These days, our vehicles have all sorts of fancy systems, that act as our guardian angles and ensure our vehicle’s stability. The active stability control makes sure about the control of the traction control function and the other stability control functions, in order to help maintain the vehicle’s control and traction.

Like any other system, this technology has restrictions and is unable to help you retain traction and vehicle control in any event. Reluctant driving might result in accidents. The motorist has a careful driving obligation. The ASC system service required warning on the dash tells the system needs attention. Learn how to deal with it in this article. 

Main Function OF ASC System

When traction loss is discovered, ASC monitors inputs such as wheel speed and brake stress and adjusts motor power accordingly. In any situation, ASC on a vehicle guarantees that the vehicle has adequate traction and control. In a slick state like rain or snow, ASC helps keep you safe.

You know, as the small ASC light will flash in the instrument pane, when traction control kicks in. A blinking ASC light implies that wheel slips are unsafe, meaning that you must slow down. This system can start no matter how the car is driven. Each driving wheel is braked separately until both wheels have optimum traction if acceleration reductions are not sufficient.

Symptoms Of A Bad ASC System

The traction control safety feature will be disabled if the ASC does not function properly. Control over the vehicle in poor weather circumstances may be more difficult to maintain. The ASC warning indicator light can be activated in the dashboard, and the traction controller (TCS) can remain on or off at all times. Here are the main symptoms-

1. Non-Working ABS System

ASC system service required message can be related to ABS failure. If the traction and the ABS are part of the single module, a loss of an anti-lock braking system (ABS) features may occur. The braking capacity may be reduced safely, additional stress on the brake pedal may be necessary when stopping, and the chance of hydroplaning and loss of traction is higher.

Often it is one or more sensors or cables to the sensors. When sensors are polluted with trash or metal strings, the most prevalent ABS problems develop. Dismisses also take place when the sensor wiring is broken and there is no continuity or intermittent.

2. Traction Light Permanently On

According to, in some cars, a traction control system (TCS) switch has been included that allows drivers to enable and disable traction. This can be necessary to avoid loss of traction and avoid wheel spiv. If the traction control module goes defective or fails, it may be possible to keep the traction control on even if the switch is off.

It may also be unable to switch off the traction control. While this may be a symptom of a failed module traction control, it might also indicate that the traction control switch does not operate properly and has to be changed. It is crucial to understand that.

3. Wheels Breaking Traction

Where the traction control module goes wrong or is failing, it can be harder to retain vehicle control in braking circumstances such as ice or rain when the weather is severe. The TCS and the ABS work together to keep the control in hydroplaning. The TCS control system works jointly.

Most of the time, a car does not have enough hydroplane length to have the TCS kicking in. If the traction control system (TCS) does not function properly, however, it will not help maintain control of the automobile during any hydroplaning episode.

4. Engine In Limp Mode

Limp mode is a motor and transmission safety function. When a seriously incorrect engine or transmission parameter is recognized by the motor or transmission unit, the car goes into limp mode. The limp mode commonly cuts the power and restricts the RPM of your motor to move your car to a workshop with no damage to the motor.

How To Fix ASC System Service Required Warning?

The main thing that you can do when ASC system service is required is many. A defective ABS speed sensor is the most important problem that causes the ASC light to linger with Mitsubishi. Other potential problems are a damaged ABS pump, fuse blown, and a defective angle sensor. Different onboard computers use a signal from a brake pedal to assess if the brake pedal is pressed.

As most cars prevent the driver to start the motor unless the brake pedal is pressed, a defective switch causes non-start problems. And even if it begins, the ASC warning message will still be triggered. Tires that are not misaligned or unevenly worn, may imbalance the wheel angle sensor or the wheel spin velocity differential.

Is It Safe To Drive With Bad ASC System?

If you drive by the warning light it signifies that the ABS doesn’t work correctly. The ABS may not operate if you have to stop an emergency. Your brakes will still work, however, This means that your vehicle cannot handle as heavily braked. This is a crisis and you must stop driving straight away when both your ABS light and brake system light are on.

Cost Involved In Fixing ASC System

The average cost of replacing the ABS control module is between US$897 and US$946. This overall price for most vehicles amounts to above US$900. You can also get a used module for fairly cheap. If wheel sensors are the culprit, then they can be replaced for less than 500$. Little issues such as blown fuses or bad wire connectors can be repaired by yourself with no cost at all.


ASC system service required is a serious issue as it is directly related to the traction and the ABS system of your car. Neglecting to attend to it can seriously affect the vehicle’s stability and can lead to an accident. So follow this guide and get the system repaired after diagnosing the problem. If you still have any doubts, then post them down below.

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